Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Poor Abortive Excuse

I was reading the comments of a blog post titled, "Barack Obama: The Audacity of Murder", when I came across a comment that read:

"If abortion was made illegal then women would go and have unsafe abortions by someone that doesn't have the credentials to perform the procedure."

This is an absolutely stupid and absurdly selfish argument. That would be as dumb as justifying the legalization of rape by claiming that rapists may become injured when seeking to abuse small farm animals instead. So, when is rape ever o.k.? Obviously, never, and there would never be an excuse to make that act acceptable. Likewise, aborting a child IS the rape of a child. Thus, why would we ever sympathize with an abortionist? -It's a rhetorical question so don't answer.

The bible says that if a man looks upon a woman in lust he has committed adultery even if they have not committed the physical act. The bible states that anger against a brother is the same as killing him even if they haven't committed the actual physical act. Thus, I would deduce that any pro-choice person who o.k.'s the murder of one of God's innocents is the same as a murderer without committing the physical act themselves.

How can Obama tout Hope if he offers none for the unborn or even the partially birthed?